Immobilier en Espagne
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Investir en Espagne

España, país rico en historia, ofrece un marco ideal para la inversión inmobiliaria. Con una legislación basada en el derecho romano-germánico, el país acoge a los inversores extranjeros con un enfoque republicano y democrático. Como miembro de la Unión Europea, España cumple las normas legislativas europeas.

El sector inmobiliario español atrae desde hace tiempo a los inversores extranjeros, sobre todo en zonas populares como la Costa del Sol. Inicialmente dominado por británicos y alemanes, en la actualidad se observa un creciente interés por parte de canadienses y estadounidenses, lo que convierte a España en un destino clave para la inversión inmobiliaria en Europa.
El aumento constante del valor de la vivienda en España la convierte en una oportunidad única. Con precios competitivos con los de otros países europeos, España brilla como destino de inversión de prestigio.
Investir dans l'immobilier en Espagne
Shirley Pellicer
Màlaga & alentours
Jean Poignot
Espagne / Barcelone
The acquisition process
In Spain, there is a clearly defined procedure for buying a property. You usually start by working with an estate agent to find a property. Next, an experienced lawyer will analyse the documents and draw up the necessary contracts. Finally, a notary will certify the public deed of purchase and sale, guaranteeing a legal and secure transaction. Properties are recorded in a public register, which makes it possible to verify ownership and the absence of encumbrances.

In Spain, inheritance tax does not apply to direct heirs such as parents, children and spouses. The main property tax is IBI (Impôt sur les Biens Immobiliers), calculated on the cadastral value of the property, which is generally lower than its actual value. If the total value of your property exceeds certain limits, an additional tax, IAE (Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière), applies to the excess portion.

For rental income, non-residents are taxed at a rate of 28%. In the case of rentals to tourists with AL (local accommodation) registration, the tax due is 35% of the total income, with VAT at 6%.

Non-usual RNH resident status
Spain offers an advantageous tax regime for new residents.Pensioners can benefit from a flat tax rate of 10% on all pension income. In addition, there are tax advantages for income from activities considered to have high added value.

The Golden Visa ARI
For non-EU and non-Schengen investors, Spain offers the Golden Visa programme. By investing in property worth €500,000.00 or more, you can reside and work in Spain, with easier access to the Schengen area. Permanent residence or Spanish nationality can be obtained after 5 years, with only a small number of days' residence required.

Spain offers a favourable environment for property investment, with attractive tax benefits and opportunities for international mobility.

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Investissement immobilier en Espagne

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